Moving Minds (f.k.a. LHM) is a boutique market research operator. The agency conducts market research and uses state of the art data science and artificiel intelligence for better insights and predictive modelling on more diverse data sources.

The agency delivers relevant insights and helps you convert market research results into action.

Moving Minds (f.k.a. LHM) specializes in consumer behaviour, competitor research and pricing analysis. Data science and A.I. are baked into our way of operating and thinking. We adopt 4 different angles :


1. Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, A.I.

We make data speak :

  • We produce insights from your Customer databases, sales records, customer surveys
  • We collect and analyse passive, existing data (webmining, published stats, economic datasets, meta-analyses, estimations, simulations, …)
  • We collect and analyse big data, using Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for predictive modeling, clustering, visualisation.
  • We use Natural Language Processing combined with quantiative methods to process large sets of text (documents, media content, customer reviews, social media …)



2. The consumer

Choice, experience, satisfaction

Moving Minds market research delivers customer insights by researching purchasing behaviour, customer experience and customer judgment.

  • Motivation analysis
  • Customer experience and customer journey analysis
  • Polls on consumer panels,
  • International : the company operates in French, English and Dutch



3. Your products

New products and innovation

Moving Minds fuels your innovaton process by producing the right insights into present and potential customer demand and market conditions.

  • Usage and attitude surveys
  • Qualitative research : live or on-line focus groups, face-to-face interviews, immersion & observation, diaries
  • Creative and design thinking workshops
  • Competitor research and pricing



4. Your world

polls : trends in society

Moving Minds conducts polls on consumer panels, with samples representative of a national or a regional population, or representing a particular market segment.

  • Polls on general population
  • Polls on market segments : geographical region, product range, specific usage
  • International polls and surveys




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